Tim Tierney

Title: Director of International Trade and Business Recruitment
Organization: Vermont Department of Economic Development
Tim Tierney is the Director of International Trade and Business Recruitment for the State of Vermont within the Department of Economic Development. He oversees several initiatives including the State Trade Expansion Program and the Business Support team. Tim represents Vermont on the Eastern Trade Council and the New England-Canada Business Council. Tim has also served as the Legislative Liaison between the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the Vermont State Legislature. He served as the State Program Manager of the Northern Border Regional Commission and is the Agency designee to the Working Lands Enterprise Board as well as the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative. Prior to his State position, Tim had primarily worked in the conservation and recreation sector in the mountain regions of New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. He was the Executive Director of Kingdom Trails and Director of Conservation Field Programs at both the Adirondack Mountain Club and the Green Mountain Club. Tim was raised on a dairy farm in central Massachusetts and worked summers on commercial fishing boats in Alaska to help put himself through the University of Wisconsin-Madison.